Monday, September 24, 2018

6 Month Bumpdate

How far along are you: 25 Weeks! How is this possible?! I swear I just hit 20 weeks and it makes me sad how fast time is going!

Size of baby: Eggplant. 12.5 inches and weighs about 1.5 lbs. Baby Boy is getting big and so is Mama!

Gender/Name: Boy. I am loving seeing peoples reactions when they find out it is a boy and I already have 2 girls. They are super excited! Sam, Sammy, Samuel, and Bubba are all his names at the moment.

Cravings: I have been eating lots of pasta again. Whoops. I just have been busy and haven't cooked too much lately so veggies and home cooked meals have been few and far between. I am liking: pineapple, pumpkin yogurt flips, cheese, bagels, cookies, coffee, apples and peanut butter, and cereal.

Weight gained: 17 total lbs according to my home scale.

Sleep: I'm sleeping alright these days. I go to bed well, but if I wake up in the middle of the night it takes quite some time to get back to bed. Not really doing naps these days. I am feeling pretty good. I have dabbled into a little caffeine every now and then when I am moving slow in the morning and poor Samuel acts like a maniac when the caffeine hits. LOL

Baby Movement: I feel him most from 10-12 pm. He has a late night dance party and goes crazy for a good 30 minutes. Yesterday David sat there and got to feel him for about 15 minutes. He thought it was so cool. It honestly is my favorite part of pregnancy and every time he kicks I want to just talk to him and tell him how much we already love him!

How Mom is feeling: I am feeling good. Moving around wise, I am starting to struggle. For example getting out of bed is becoming more of a task or after shopping for a few hours, I feel tired and need to sit for a while. So the weight of the belly is starting to slow me down. Also this pregnancy this baby is so low! It has been painful to wear any pants, including maternity pants. I have been sporting dresses most the time because the pants hit right in the middle of him and cut off circulation. My back has been hurting some from arching so much.

Miss Anything: Not really. I'd love to go to the gym but haven't. I am just not used to my legs and booty getting this big but it comes w the territory so I will be just fine. I'd love a beer during a football game haha but truly I miss nothing and am just so grateful to give up anything to be pregnant.

Nursery Progress: We are 90% there! I have all the furniture and have hung a few things but we need Kelli to come help give her opinion on some final placement on some signs. Dave and I can't decide on where to place the crib so we need a 3rd opinion! Haha. Hopefully by next month's update I will have some nursery pics for you!  Here's a sneak peak of a sign I had made for above the crib.

Best moment this month: My best moment this month is hitting 24 weeks. I like to reach tiny milestones and 24 weeks means we have a viable baby that has a 50/50 chance of survival. It clearly would not be ideal, but I like tracking little milestones. When you hit 28 weeks its like 80% survival rate so call me crazy, but I find comfort in them. Praying to make it to 39 weeks though! I've also loved watching D play soccer and the girls do gymnastics. Oh and of course BSF! Delainey goes with Grammy to BSF this year and I am loving doing a morning devotional with the girls every morning during breakfast. They and I am learning so much! It is a great way to start our day! Also I loved getting my baby shower invite in the mail! It is so cute and I can't wait to celebrate Samuel and am so grateful for all the people taking time to plan it. Clearly I am so blessed by looking at this list! :)

Looking forward to next month: I am looking forward to another ultrasound on October 1st. My Dr. is amazing and likes to do lots of checks just to make sure all looks good so I get one at my 26 week appointment. I also have my glucose test so hoping all goes well with that. I will be back after next Monday and let you all know how it went with some ultrasound pics.

I hope everyone is enjoying football and fall even though it still feels hot as can be. Hoping we get some cool weather soon and we can really enjoy all fall brings. Talk to you all soon! XOXO

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