Wednesday, June 27, 2018


Hey guys! So I am still at the doctor doing my blog post since I’ve been here almost 3 hours. And I know once I get home I’m going to be busy finishing packing for our Bahamas trip tomorrow and probably wouldn’t get around to it. So I am happy to report I have made it past the 12 week mark and survived going in the dreaded ultrasound room where the past 2 times there has been no heartbeat.
In all honesty I was super anxious when I walked into that dark room, so I said some quick prayers, recited some bible verses over and over in my head and as soon as she put the probe on my belly, we saw a jump so I was able to breathe.  The ultrasound lady Gail was very thorough which I really appreciated. I had never had an ultrasound that was that in-depth in my life. She measured the head, showed us the brain and how there was good separation in the craniums, measured the nose bridge made sure all the organs were there, literally checked every part of the body. It probably took a good 15-20 minutes. Everything looked great and Baby had a heart rate of 165 which was good and was measuring at 12 weeks and 2 days and that is exactly where I am.

After the ultrasound I met with nurses to go over financial stuff and after talking to one of the ladies for a few minutes, it turns out she was at the same fertility place as me and just found out yesterday there was no heartbeat and she was getting a D&C tomorrow. It sounded all too familiar and I felt so bad for her. We talked for a little while about what to expect and things she could do differently when she tried again so hopefully I comforted her a little bit during her time of hopelessness. Someone please remind me to get her email in a few weeks and reach out to see how she is doing. That definitely is an upside to all this I have gone through. I am able to help others and say don't give up, I am proof that when God's timing is perfect it CAN work!

So after that I met with Dr. Garcia and he did a routine exam and we talked about what meds I should be off of now and what I should be on. I have officially stopped my crinone and stopped my heparin yesterday. I am going back on a baby aspirin to help with the blood clotting issues. So now we just wait and pray all continues well and that this belly gets bigger by the day! I actually am getting fairly large! I haven't done a belly pic yet and will do one soon, but when we get back from the bahamas I will do a post with some side profile shots so you can see whats happening. It looks huge in a bathing suit. I love having a belly though and will gladly welcome it as soon as I can get it!

Oh I also forgot to tell you that the blood hemorrhage had definitely disappeared and she checked to see if I had placenta previa which I did with Blakely and she said nope so honestly the ultrasound was just too good to be true. I need to stop worrying and being anxious because I know God has got this under control and I have been a very stubborn child lately! I prayed before my 10 week ultrasound if things were going to end well for me, could he make it a perfect ultrasound and even make the blood go away so I would have a sign! Well of course he did just that and I still was anxious this past week. I did ask for forgiveness because this type A control freak is being hit with signs in the face and I keep saying I need more. How rude. I had an image of Delainey saying Mom will you come to my swim meet and I told her yes I promise I will be there and then she said I don't believe you I need something more, so I gave her my phone (we all know how much mom loves her phone and can't be without it) and said I will be there shortly and she still didn't believe me, I said here take my wallet and all my money if mom doesn't show up and she still was hesitant to believe I was coming. Thats how I think God felt, like sheesh Jamie what do you want from me to believe it will be ok LOL. Dang stubborn kids. Haha luckily he is a very patient God!

So we are off tomorrow on a little 4 night family vacation to the Bahamas! No big plans or anything wild. David and Delainey are going to swim with the dolphins, but just planning on relaxing, swimming at the pool and the beach and spending some quality time together. I will be posting on Instagram if you want to follow along with our weekend. Otherwise I will be back next week with an infertility update and I'll post some stomach shots to show the growth we have had over the past 12 weeks. I hit the 2nd trimester on Monday!! Woohoo! Thank you all so much for your prayers to get us to this point and I will gladly take them until the day this baby is born! I hope you all have a great weekend! XOXO

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