Tuesday, February 20, 2018

IVF Retrieval Scheduled

Yesterday I went to the Dr. for my 5th ultrasound of the past 2 weeks! I am racking up some serious miles driving to downtown Jacksonville this often but its worth it. Anyways the ultrasound went well. He saw my biggest one was 17 and the others were between 14-15. So he decided to give them one extra day to get to optimal size which is 16 mm. So last night I took my last of the Gonal-F pen and then Menopur. I had to buy 2 more menopur yesterday at the doctor, but the rest of the meds I timed perfectly! I do not have 1 single drop left of any of the medications. So tonight instead of my normal regimen I am taking a Lupron shot at exactly 9:30 pm and then another one at 9:30 am tomorrow morning. These ones have to be timed perfect because the retrieval is scheduled for 36 hours after your first shot. If you are off by a few hours, your eggs could release prematurely and then there would be nothing to retrieve so I am patiently sitting by the shot to make sure it is right on time. LOL

So Thursday morning I am going in for my retrieval. I would really appreciate some prayers that all goes smoothly and the Doctor gets every last egg and they all fertilize well. The more eggs the better at a shot for a baby so I am hoping and praying for 10 or more. I know that sounds crazy like "that is 10 babies", but in reality not all will fertilize. So say maybe 6 or 7 make it to Day 5 and then they average that 50% of the embryos are abnormal after the genetic testing, that would only leave me with 3 embryos so the more the merrier on Thursday! It is a quick 20 minute procedure where they extract the eggs through a needle vaginally and then you are on your way. From what I can remember, there was some cramping but nothing too bad. Hopefully this one will be similar and I'll be good as new by the next day.

Also yesterday I had my 2nd acupuncture session and I liked it so much more this time! I guess I knew what to expect and was able to relax more and it was lovely. I didn't fall asleep but was very close. Anyways I am off for now and will be back on Friday to let you know how the retrieval went. No matter what the outcome is, I know that God has the perfect number planned out for me and will give me exactly what I need. It's definitely provides a peace as I go through this to trust in his plans for us. Talk to you all soon and thanks for the continued prayers. XOXO

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