Friday, April 21, 2017

(In)fertility Friday

Well once again I am writing you from my bed, but luckily today I was finally able to get out of it. I had nice plans for this post to do a before and after picture since I'm 8 weeks this weekend, but not much of anything was accomplished the past few days. So words are all you get! Maybe I'll have time to do it tomorrow and will come update the post w a picture.

So as most of you know if you read my Easter post, this week was just horrible! I got sick on Tuesday and was in bed until Friday morning. Sweet Delainey passed on her flu (or I atleast called it that based on the high fever) and it ruined me. My biggest concern was keeping my temperature low so I was popping tylenol every 4-5 hours so it wouldn't spike to high. I even set my alarm for 5 hours after I went to bed to take another one. Luckily the highest read I got was 101 so I think I did pretty good. D was up in the 103s. I was tired, I was nauseous, no food sounded appetizing. All symptoms that could be pregnancy related or illness related so I am not really sure what the cause was. So by next Friday I will be able to give you a true idea on if the first trimester symptoms have kicked in. My boobs have been a little tender/sore. But then other days not so who knows. I am just hoping the lack of symptoms is because it's a boy not a girl which is making it different this time. Speaking it into existence right Dez. :)

I stopped the Estrogen pills today but everything else is continuing on as normal. No fun appts or anything this upcoming week either. The next ultrasound isn't until May 2nd. So like I said really not much to report. We have an early soccer game tom and then we are going to come home and rest on the couch! Hopefully I can do a few before and afters. I also have some other fun pics to post from our field trip and cook out tonight so I'll be back at some point tom. Keep up those prayers for a healthy baby especially with all the trauma it endured this week! Good Night!

Update: Here are some pics for you I took today 8 Weeks.

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