Monday, August 8, 2016

3rd Blood Draw Results are In

So after a treacherous wait all day long. I finally got my results back from my 3rd blood test and they were 3364! They need to be at least 1800, but secretly I was hoping for 2000. We surpassed that so I am still pregnant and things are growing and moving in the right direction!

It literally was the longest day ever. I got there at 7:30 to try to beat the rush so I didn't have to sit in the lab for an hour like last Friday and ended up having to wait and hour and a half. The staff was so inefficient. So then I waited for my phone call all day and finally caved and called the Dr to hear the news at 2:45. They said the nurse was busy and they would have her call me back. Nothing. So at 3:30 I called again. I finally spoke to a nurse and when she looked up the results the lab had never sent over my hcg levels. Of course they didn't. She was going to call and have them faxed over and call me back. 3:50 rolls along and no phone call and the office closes in 10 minutes. I call back again and the girl tells me she will leave a message for a nurse. Thats when I about lost it and said no I need to know now. The sweet girl Gretchen promised she would personally call over there get the numbers and call me back. She had me worried, but 15 minutes later she called me back with the good news! Gretchen is getting a present thats for sure! So needless to say I am very relieved and glad that is over!
I treated myself and the girls to some Dunkin Donuts holes after my blood draw this morning. :)

So no news is good news for the next 2 weeks. I will have an ultrasound in 2 weeks and that is when we hopefully confirm everything looks good and find out how many babies are in there. Thank you guys for the prayers this past weekend. I was bummed out Friday, but by Saturday I had peace about the situation and felt pretty good. I knew it was in God's hands and whatever the outcome was, it was meant to be. I just wanted to know one way or the other. Of course I will not feel 100% about everything till I hit 13 weeks, but at least I feel a little better. Talk to you guys soon and maybe one of these days a post will not be about me and my fertility and back to my sweet sweet girlies! ;)
Here are a few cute pics of the girls over the weekend. 
 Such a difference and my children and my sisters children LOL.

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