Sunday, May 29, 2016


Well I did it again. Slacked off and missed Infertility Friday. I have a good excuse this week though. I was so busy packing my entire house on Friday preparing for our big move yesterday. All went well and we are all moved in to Gram's house relaxing and enjoying some down time. I'll do a post tomorrow about the move.
As far as infertility stuff goes, there is no new news to report this week. Nothing has happened and nothing has started yet. I did find out a friend and I are going to be doing the frozen transfer on the exact same day. I have such mixed emotions about it. At first you hear we will be doing it at the same time and you think "Yes this is going to be so much fun! We will be in the waiting room together, going through everything at the exact same time. Having babies with the exact same due date!" All those things are fantastic! But they are only fantastic if both of us have a successful transfer and get pregnant. Reality sets in and you realize there is no guarantee it will work for either of us so it makes it not so great after all. We will be comparing symptoms and getting great news or horrible news on the exact same day. If one of us gets pregnant and the other doesn't, it's going to be very hard. It will just leave you with the feeling of "if it would have worked for me like it did her, I would be doing these things at the exact same time too." Moral of the story, it is life and it's happening at the same time regardless so let's just try to make the most out of it. Please start praying now that it works for both of us and we can share the joys of pregnancy together!! There is totally power in numbers when it comes to prayer so I will take all I can get! Talk to you guys soon!
Happy Memorial Day to all the fallen heroes loved ones and family members! I could never be strong enough to be married to someone in the military, much less enlist myself, so I have the utmost respect and appreciation for them! I hope you all enjoy your long weekend! 

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