Thursday, March 20, 2014

Georgia Rae is here!

Monday night, I finally decided to hit the gym to get ready for beach season. Of course as I step on the treadmill, I get a phone call from Kelli saying her water broke. I rushed home showered real quick and headed to the hospital. I left D home with David and the next morning Marcia came to take her for the day. It was a long night of waiting and finally around 9:30 am she started pushing. It definitely was not an easy delivery, but Georgia finally made her debut at 1:22 pm on March 18th. She weighed 8 lbs 12 ounces and was 21.5 inches long. She is so cute! And despite her size she still seems so little to me! 

 Delainey met Georgia at the hospital and she seemed fine with her. She wasn't too sure how baby Georgia got from Lala's belly to laying over on the bed. She kept pointing at Lala's belly saying hi baby Georgia. But she was nice to her and enjoyed running around the hospital.

Today they headed home from the hospital and will spend their first night alone. Georgia seems like a pretty easy baby so hopefully everything will go smoothly!

While I was at the hospital, Gammoe took Delainey to the zoo. This was the first time she requested to ride on the carousel and loved it! She must be preparing for our trip to Disney on Tuesday!! We are going with Alicia and Collins and we can't wait!!

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