Thursday, May 24, 2018

(IN)FERTILITY FRIDAY - 7 week update

Well friends I have arrived. And by arrived I mean the pregnancy symptoms have arrived. It is good because that means something is happening and I have been waiting to feel bad. But now that it is here I remember how rough it is. I am wondering if the timing of the booty shots is just coincidental or if the shot has kicked up the symptoms but they are fully present. I am nauseous most of the day, feel constantly hungry, am super tired and taking naps every day, and am irritable as all get out. Sorry family :( I just feel so exhausted my patience is so short! So that is where we stand this week. Hopefully the symptoms continue to 12 weeks and it means all is well with this baby.

As far as the bleeding goes, I still haven't bled yet and am taking it as easy I can so that is a plus! My booty is definitely sore, but Dave is doing a great job of giving me my shots. And we go back for another ultrasound on Tuesday so the waiting continues. We are headed to St. Augustine beach for 5 days for a little Schools out vacay!! We wanted close enough so Dave could come for the weekend but somewhere that didn't feel like home. Of course this weather is going to be horrible majority of the time but we are praying it slows down till atleast Monday and we'll make the best of it no matter what! So that is where we stand! Follow along on my instagram for all our fun this weekend and I will be back on Tuesday with hopefully a good update! We need a healthy good heartbeat, measuring on track, and no blood or atleast blood that hasn't gotten bigger. I hope you all have a great Memorial Day weekend and we are super excited for summertime! Let the pool and fun begin!! XOXO

Last Day of School Pic of my Girls!!

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