Sunday, May 19, 2019

Samuel's 4 Month Update

Height: 27 inches 99%
Weight: 14 lb 6 oz   26%
Head Circumference: 16.75 inches   77%
Vision: You can see so far away now. I am not sure how clearly, but I can stand across the room and smile and you notice it and smile back. So I think all is good in the vision department and we may be done with this category. You do love yourself some TV. You are like your Dad and if it is on you are in the zone and focus only on that.
Movement: You have officially rolled over. You always roll to your left and it is so cute. You throw those legs up in the air as high as you can and then flip over in the blink of an eye. You can only roll onto your stomach and then you hate it when you are on your stomach and cry. You also got into the exersaucer for the first time and you loved it. Your neck control is pretty good and you can sit in it for a good while. Your feet already touch since you're so tall. Delaineys didn't even touch at this age so hopefully you will be super tall like your Daddy!
Eating Habits/New Foods: You are  eating about 3 to 4 ounces of milk every 2.5 to 3 hours. Sometimes during the day we even feed every 2 hours. You and me had a battle to get you to take the bottle, but I won and you finally take it like a champ. It took some trying of different bottles but the Avent ones seemed to do the trick. You also like it very warm. If it is not hot you want nothing to do with it. I give you 4 ounces in the bottle and you have no problem crushing it so I guess we are more up to 4 ounces these days.
Sleeping Patterns: You are still sleeping great! I put you down around 8ish and you get up one time to eat and then are back asleep till about 8 am. Since you started rolling we took you out of the swaddle and now you just sleep in a sleepsack to keep you warm. It was only 1 rough night where you got up a few extra times and then you were totally good with no swaddle. I was so worried it would be a horrible transition. Luckily at night you aren't rolling yet so I am not having to come in and flip you back over. Naps are still short and wherever we are throughout the day. Carseat naps are your best but you will sleep in the crib for a 30-45 minute stint.
Sounds/Words: You are getting a voice. Your cry is much louder and we hear laughs all the time now. You like to "sing" as the girls would call it and talk to us all the time. No real words though.
New discoveries/accomplishments:
-We got rid of the swaddle and you are sleeping great
-You can roll from your back to stomach but get stuck there.
-You had your first sleepover with Gammoe and did great!
-You celebrated your 1st Easter
-You had your baby dedication this month with your cousins Caleb and Rush!
Places you went/Adventures: It was another busy month! Less out of town travels but still busy. We finished up softball season for Delainey, went out on the boat a few times, went to Disney on Ice, had your first sleepover while Mom and Dad went to PV Spa for the night, celebrated your 1st Easter which included multiple Easter egg hunts and meeting the Easter bunny, and then we ended with your baby Dedication at Church with Caleb and Rush!
Clothes: We have moved up to size 3 diapers and are in clothes 3-6 months!
Sisters update: The girls are still as in love as ever!! I think they are loving that you try to talk back to them and are a little more interactive. They fight over holding you and just love to sit by you and help in any way. They also love showing you off to all their friends.

Month 4 was great! Less traveling but still busy with all the spring and Easter activities. You are so chill and just go with the flow! I don't think you have a choice, but it so nice that you accommodate us and are happy all the time! We love you so much!!

 All 3 kids at 4 months. You are such a mix of both your sisters!

1 comment:

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