Monday, October 22, 2018

7 Month Bumpdate

Sorry friends I just completed my whole 7 month bump date over the past 3 days, went to upload pics and it all deleted! :( So here is the short version of what I wrote.

How far along are you: 29 Weeks now! 66 days left till our anticipated induction date on December 28th! AHHH! So soon

Size of baby: Butternut Squash. 15 inches and 2.5 lbs. He was 2 lb 3 oz though 3 weeks ago so she probably is more like 3-3.5 lbs.

Gender/Name: Boy, Samuel David. I feel like we can get rid of this question now.

Cravings: I have been loving cereal, coconut granola bars, pumpkin spice anything, donuts, cookies, still pasta and cold things. Also lately I've been enjoying seafood dipped in butter. :)

Weight gained: 23 lbs according to my home scale. We will see what Garcia says today at my Dr. Appt.

Sleep: I'm starting to slow down. The problem is I go to the bathroom too much so I can only go 4-5 hours before having to pee. Then once I am up it takes me forever to go back to bed. Then Dave wakes up for work so I wake up and then an hour later its time to get the girls so I am not sleeping wonderfully. I nap on days I really don't sleep well.

Baby Movement: I love how active he is. I feel him most when I sit still on the couch or in the car, but he is moving around good in there. I started feeling the hiccups this past week and its so funny to watch my stomach bounce every couple of seconds. Hopefully at my next ultrasound in 3 weeks he will be head down and he will stay that way.

How Mom is feeling: I told Dave the other day, that with the girls I didn't feel this big until about 34 weeks. I am definitely moving around slower. My feet feel like they are flattening and after walking around for a while my body is worn out. (Hence why I rented a motorized scooter for Disney next month haha)

Miss Anything: Not really. I am just enjoying every minute and grateful to be here so I am A-okay giving up whatever.

Nursery Progress: Kel came and gave her vote on how the nursery should be laid out, but good old Dave still thinks the crib should be in the corner. I say just do it flat on the wall so it is easier to hang his name sign. Plus we eventually want all kids upstairs so this nursery will only be temporary for a few years so why make more holes than necessary that would need patching. Hopefully I can get him to hang the last few things soon and have some pics in a week or 2.

Best moment this month: My best moment was having a good ultrasound that I did a post on 2 weeks ago. I also have just been enjoying all the fun that October has brought. We have had lots of soccer & gym, fall festivals, pumpkin carving parties, field trips, supper club, concerts, all 7 of the cousins were in town together, a trip to the zoo, and lots of school and fun in between.

Looking forward to next month: I am so excited about my baby shower in less than 2 weeks! My amazing party-planner extraordinaire has planned a 2nd wedding for my baby shower so naturally everyone wants to come it. So we are going to have a great group of ladies a lot of which are friends and family from out of town. We feel so blessed people love us that much to make the hall for 3rd baby. It is also my birthday on Sunday. The big 3-4 and I think it is going to be a wonderful year! We are headed to the Great Wolf Lodge for the weekend with the girls so they are going to love playing at the indoor waterpark! Lots of fun coming up!

Since we will be gone on Friday I won't do a post, but will try to do one next week to show pics from our trip and the girls Halloween costumes. The weather has finally cooled off and I am loving every second of it! I hope you all enjoy your last few days of October! XOXO

Thursday, October 4, 2018

(IN)FERTILITY FRIDAY - 3rd trimester here we come!

This past Monday I had my 26 week check up. I hadn't been to the Dr. in 5 weeks because he wanted me to wait till I was 26 weeks to do my glucose test. So Monday I went in fasting and drank a lovely 10 ounce drink of basically syrup. The nurse was very intense and as soon as I took one sip, I had exactly 5 minutes to finish the drink and was on the clock. After I drank it, I had to wait for 1 hour and then check my blood to make sure I didn't have gestational diabetes. While we were waiting, I had a an ultrasound to see how baby Sam is doing. He is growing wonderfully! A week ahead to be exact and she estimated him at 2 lb 3 oz. All looked good as far as organs and what not, so that was great to hear. Answered prayers! :) Here is a pic of his face. You can see his forehead and eyes and chin. My ultrasound lady isn't concerned with as great of pics as she is making sure all looks good with him. LOL
After the ultrasound, the nurse checked my blood and I passed my glucose test. So it was a great Dr appt. This upcoming Monday I hit 27 weeks which is the last trimester so the appointments become more frequent. I have an appt in 3 weeks, then 3 weeks, then 2 weeks, then 2 weeks, then 1 week, 1 week, and 1 more if he doesn't come before! So crazy how soon he will be here. We are less than 3 months away from meeting our sweet boy! 

Other than the Dr this week, we have been pretty busy! October is my officially birthday month and we have a packed calendar. Dave and I just went to the NeedtoBreathe concert on Tuesday, we have dinner with friends tomorrow night, soccer Saturday. Next week Kelli and them are coming in town to celebrate Ivy's birthday. We have a carnival, soccer, and fall festival on the schedule next weekend. Oh also the twin boys are coming to stay with Grammy on Monday for the next 2 weeks so that is always fun! We have a pumpkin carving party, weekend trip planned the last weekend of October. I feel like I'm forgetting things, but you get the gist we are super busy! If only the weather would cool off than I'd really be in Heaven. Anyways I just wanted to come update you on how my Doctor appointment went. I hope you all have a great weekend and I'll be back soon! 

 Date night concert w/ Davey & lunch in St. Auggie with Blakey this week!

 Baby Caleb came to have his first swim in the pool with his cousin! haha  :)