Friday, July 27, 2018


Sorry for the long break since my last post! We have been busy with swim team championships, a baby shower for my friend Tracie, waiting on baby Rush to make his debut, and Mary Beth & Collier visiting for the past week! Where has the summer gone! I can't believe it is august in 5 days. Officially 2 weeks till Delainey's first day of school. I am so not ready for school yet. I am really enjoying the sleeping in and relaxing mornings. It is coming whether we are ready or not though!

Anyways back to the Bumpdate! Yea! I have finally made to the point where I can do a monthly Bumpdate. I probably could have done one at 12 weeks too, but didn't think of it till a couple weeks ago so we will start today and do monthly updates with other fun things on the weeks between.

How far along are you: 16 weeks and 5 days

Size of baby: Avocado. Yum :) 4.5 inches & 3.5 oz

Gender/Name: I will be sharing that with the world next week! I've been holding out for my anatomy scan on Tuesday to make sure all looks good!

Cravings: I have fallen back into the world of carbs and pasta. I did so good the first few months with veggies and eating somewhat healthy, but lately all I want are noodles. We have had company in town and have eaten out a lot so hopefully I will get back on track with my eating now that all the craziness has died down. I still am liking cold things: fruit, salads, smoothies, yogurt. Eggs have started to gross me out but otherwise I am eating pretty normal.

Weight gained: 6 lbs. I didn't gain any weight at my 12 week appointment, but I think I have been making up for that the last few weeks.

Sleep: I have been sleeping pretty good. I busted out my wedge pillow to put under my belly so I don't keep rolling onto my stomach when sleeping on my side. But otherwise sleeping through the night with an occasional wake to go potty. Still taking cat naps during the day every now and then.

Baby Movement: I felt a kick! Actually a few now! At 15 weeks, I was watching tv and felt the first and said Dave I just felt the baby! It is still sporadic, but I am feeling it more and more. I can't wait to feel it all day everyday! That is one of my favorite parts of being pregnant.

How Mom is feeling: I am feeling good. Excited to hit the 4 month mark. Trying to let all fear and anxiety go away and just enjoy my last pregnancy. I can't believe how quickly it is flying by so I want to cherish all of it. I of course am a little anxious for my anatomy scan. I just want everything to be 100% perfect with it! Been having fun with the girls and have some fun weekends planned for the fall before baby arrives so I'm excited about that.

Miss Anything: Working out. I wish I could go do some body pump or something. I finally tried yoga on Tuesday just to do some sort of exercise, but I didn't like it. I couldn't do some of the movements and I felt like my ligaments were stretching and pulling. So I probably won't be doing that again. And I surely am not walking in this heat. So working out will wait till January! (Note: I do think everyone should work out while pregnant but I couldn't at the beginning and they say don't start something new that you haven't been doing the whole time so I'll just continue doing nothing)

Nursery Progress: I already have the nursery furniture from the girls, so I just need to decorate and buy some small things. I actually just bought the crib bedding today so that is a step in the right direction! I have gone anti color (you know that if you have ever stepped foot in my house) so I will be doing a plain neutral nursery. All white and beige everywhere! Here is the bedding I ordered.

Best moment this month: Feeling baby kick and hearing the heartbeat! My friend Alicia gave me her doppler and I love it! I started at about 13 weeks and maybe 2 times a week I will pull out the doppler and listen to baby's heartbeat. The girls love listening to it beat and talking to the baby. 5 weeks was too long to go without hearing the heartbeat so I have been loving doing it a few times a week on my own.

Looking forward to next month: I am looking forward to my anatomy scan and praying all looks good with baby. I am also excited to share the gender. Quite a few people know the gender like family and close friends, but the social media world hasn't heard yet. Also looking forward to adding another cousin to the family as baby Rush should make his debut any minute now.

Hope you all are doing well and enjoying summer! School will be back before we know it! XOXO

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