Friday, March 17, 2017


Well friends...I'm pregnant! Haha Well at least that is what Dr. Brown said. He also said he thinks it will be red headed Irish boy. What does that man know LOL. I guess technically I am pregnant for the moment. We will see if these little babies stick and continue to grow and the key is staying pregnant. So now we wait. And wait. And wait. It's actually only 12 days away when I do my blood draw, but of course it seems like an eternity. Here is a rundown of my day.

Being the nut job I am, I emailed the FET coordinator a few weeks ago and asked if I could be the last one for my transfer. Last go around I felt like I laid there for 5 minutes and they rushed me out of the room because someone else was next. I wanted to lay there for a solid 20 minutes this time. She was kind enough to grant my request so my appointment was scheduled for 11:30. This morning we woke up and had a nice relaxing morning packing the girls for a sleepover at Gammoe's, cleaning the house, doing some laundry and then heading to Krispy Kreme for some St. Patrick's Day donuts. We dropped the girls and off we went to the Dr. They want you to have a full bladder so they can see your uterus better so I started drinking my 2 water bottles at 11 am. At 11:30 we went back, got undressed from the waist down and put on my fancy socks and hair net. (side note: I am a pro at this and wear a dress everytime so it is less clothes to put on when its time for me to leave. Slide on the panties and run to the car to lie back down. LOL) They took me back to the main room with the ultrasound machine and the chinese embryologist asked me my name and birthday. He rattled off some jibberish and off he went to get my 2 eggs. Basically he said we have 2 eggs thawed and I have 2 eggs remaining. Dr. Brown put the ultrasound wand on my belly. We watched the catheter go in and then we watched some liquid and 2 white specks be placed in my uterus and it was done. The girls transferred me to a bed and agreed to let me lay for 15 minutes before they had to leave for lunch. By 13 minutes I was dying I had to pee so bad that I hopped up peed and got dressed. TMI but it literally was the longest pee of my life. It took like 3 minutes haha. Having the full bladder was totally the worst part. 

We hopped in Dave's car and headed home. I of course laid in the back propped up by a pillow. I wonder what strangers think of me with my feet in the air. haha So here I am now looking at a black TV laying in bed for the next 48 hrs. He said I had bathroom and kitchen privileges but that was it.
Laying around sounds great in theory but I'm such a busy body I am already bored. Since I got home at 1 I have already taken a nap, booked a vacation for Delainey's graduation to Daytona Beach, scrolled through every post on Facebook and instagram (prob 4 times) and done my blog. I have a feeling I'm going to spend lots of money the next 2 days doing online shopping. Anyone need some research done for anything? LOL 

No but in all seriousness, I wanted to say thank you so much for all the prayers and kind words. I have received countless texts and phone calls letting me know they were praying that God bless me with a baby this time. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. There is power in multiple prayers going up at the same time and I firmly believe that. My bible devotion today was in John and Jesus was talking about how as a human he of course didn't want to have to suffer and die on the cross. But what was he supposed to say, God take this pain away from me? He said No, let your will be done and do what you must to glorify your name. That really stuck with me. Of course I want to be pregnant and life to be pain free, but the number 1 purpose is to Glorify God's name so whatever the outcome my be, let it be used to do just that! Like I tell Delainey every morning before school, Shine like a light for Jesus; I am trying to do the same. 

Well thanks for keeping me in your prayers over the next week and a half and I hope you all have a good St. Patrick's Day. Someone said maybe you'll be lucky and get pregnant. Maybe thats true but there really is no such thing as luck. I saw this on facebook and just had to leave you with it. Talk to you all soon! Xoxo

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