This was at the Seder Dinner
We have big plans for Delainey's first Easter. We are going to church, then have brunch reservations at a new place called KC Crave, and then we are hopefully going to the beach (weather permitting). It is going to be me, Dave, Delainey, and Kelli & Jeff. All of the grandparents are outta town so it's just the few of us. Anyways, I have gone WAY overboard on Delainey's Easter basket. Her basket is going to have it's own separate post :) one of these days. I can't wait to watch her dig into her new goodies. We are also going to attempt to dye eggs tomorrow.
Since it is Delainey's first Easter, I am trying to implement some fun traditions even though she doesn't really understand them. Here are some of the things I want to do every Easter:
1. Dye eggs
2. Do Easter egg hunt (we need cousins and siblings to make this more fun!)
3. Church & Brunch
4. Easter basket (I am carrying on some of my traditions and including beach stuff like toys and a bathingsuit)
5. Resurrection rolls (I will do a post on these too! I think they are such a cool way to teach kids that Jesus was no longer in the tomb)
6. Bury jellybeans in the yard (each color represents something) and they turn into lollipops the next day
Here are 2 pics of my little bunny to leave you with! Off to do her 47 weeks post!
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