Delainey hit 35 weeks last Thursday. I reported most of her achievements/stats in her 8 month update, but I do think she is getting another tooth. She has started to grind her teeth, get a little fussy in the evenings, and not sleep very well. I haven't seen a tooth coming through though. If it is not a tooth, who knows what's going on with her!
I've been a bad mom the past 2 nights and let her sleep with us from 6 am on. She wakes up and stands in her crib and is WIDE awake. She refuses to go back to bed unless she is cuddling with me so I have caved the past 2 nights and let her snuggle. Hopefully, I'm not throwing her sleeping off to bad, but it won't be long before she is too big to be in our bed.
Here are some pics of her at 35 weeks.
I went to Buy Buy Baby to buy some anti-tip furniture straps for her bookshelves. They aren't very sturdy and I am sure she will soon be pulling it on herself soon so we are going to try to prevent that. I have the house pretty much babyproofed: plugs in outlets, latches on cabinets with chemicals or medicine, gate on stairs, and a lock on the fireplace doors. Other than that I am going to try to teach her what she can and can't touch.
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