Sunday, December 2, 2012

29 Weeks & 30 Weeks & D's first word!

So as I was giong to do Delainey's Week 30 post, I realized I never did her 29 post so I'm doing them together.
Week 29 was Thanksgiving week and as you previously read we had a fantastic week. Delainey experienced some new foods, like mashed potatoes and stuffing on thanksgiving, but we have also tried some new vegetables. We moved on to sweet potatoes and she hated them! I tried for 3 days straight and after one bite she refused to open her mouth! So we moved on to carrots which she loves! No new achievements this week as far as crawling goes...She is still squirming around but no crawling yet! I made a huge error on her 29 weeks pictures and accidentally had the blocks on 28 so please ignore the photoshopped number 9. haha

HAHA love her crazy bed head!
Here is D doing her army crawl!
Week 30 was spent mostly at the house trying to recover from our sickness :( She is still coughing a good bit, but it doesn't seem to bother her because she is her usual happy self. I would like to say Week 30 has been great though because she said her first word! And of course it was MAMA!! :) She obviously doesn't know what it means but everytime she says mama I run over to herlike a crazy person to try to teach her to associate Mama with me. We are so very close to crawling but not quite there. She took 2 steps (or however you explain her moving her legs up 2 times), but then fell on her face so we should be there soon. :) Our pictures were canceled on Wednesday due to bad weather, so we will try again tomorrow. I need them ASAP though so I can get my Christmas cards made. Here are her 30 week pictures!

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