Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Samuel's 6 Month Update

Height: 28 inches - 90th%
Weight: 17 lbs 2 oz - 34%
Head Circumference: 18 inches - 90%
Vision: You can see great and very far distances. You seem to spot your mom wherever I am in the room and I surely don't mind it. You have lots of stimulus with 2 crazy sisters in your face all the time.
Movement: You can roll really well in all directions now. Front to back and back to front both ways. I lay you down and a few minutes later you are a good 5 feet away from where I set you. You are getting pretty good at sitting up by yourself too. Maybe for 3-5 seconds before you bend over. You love sitting up in your bath chair or in the shower.
Eating Habits/New Foods: You are still eating about 4 ounces of milk every 2.5 to 3 hours. You have also started eating normal food. You make quite the face when you don't like it. It's hysterical. You are more of a fan of pieces of normal food. Poor 3rd child is not getting the normal introduction of foods. You are just getting whatever we are eating. We did try pureed carrots, apples, sweet potatoes, prunes, peas, and rice cereal. You also really enjoying puffs broken in half and rice. We have tried pieces of broccoli, eggs, watermelon. I think thats mainly it so far.
Sleeping Patterns: You are still in your sleep regression phase and its wearing mommy down. You are getting up every 2-3 hours to dream feed. It's not even a good feed. Sleep training is about to start now that your are over 15 lbs and 6 months. You are great still the naps. 2 naps for 2ish hours each.
Sounds/Words: You Still are making all types of sounds and "talking" to us, but no actual words yet. You have figured out the sign milk though and do it when you need a bottle or milk. It's lovely. Hopefully we get Mama soon!
New discoveries/accomplishments:
-You can roll in all directions now
-You can hold a bottle all by yourself.
-You can sit for a few seconds by yourself.
-You are eating big boy food now but don't love pureed stuff.
-You survived a horrible storm on our boat ride home and handled it like a champ!
-You love swimming in the pool, but still can't hold your breath underwater
-You love taking showers and letting the water fall all in your face
Places you went/Adventures: There were no real trips this month, but boy were you a trooper attending your sisters swim practices 4 days a week and swim meets every Saturday. You were so chill even though we were all roasting in the sun. We got some one on one time as well while your sisters were at VBS. You also celebrated your cousin Caleb's first birthday and found out you are having a little girl cousin in November!
Clothes: You have moved up to size 4 diapers and are in 6 month clothes! We had to do overnight diapers too since you pee through so often. Probably because you are eating 4 times a night.
Sisters update: You are starting to hold your own with them. When they are in your face, you will grab their hair and pull it or take toys from them. I love it! We are working on gentle hands because you have quite the grip. Especially when I haven't cut your nails for a while. You are so interactive with them and love watching some baby signing time and snuggling with them!

Month 6 was awesome having your sisters home all day and having more relaxing snuggling mornings. I can't believe you are halfway to 1 years old! I thought I loved the baby stage, but you are so sweet and snuggly with me I think this is my favorite. You know understand relationships and want your mommy the most! :) We love you Sam Sam!

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