Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Delainey's 3 1/2 year update

Height: about 42 inches
Weight: about 35 pounds
Head Circumference:  Who knows, but I would say it's an average size. Fits well in hats lol!
Movement: Swimming is like walking to you now and it was such a glorious summer not having to worry about you at the pool. I would look up every few minutes just to see where you were and on you continued with your fun. We are working on some new things at Gym like jumping from 2 feet to 1 foot back to 2 and also your balance on the beam walking sideways and backwards. You are also learning how to do a split and a backbend! You can climb and jump off of anything, you run really fast compared to the other kids at soccer, and overall you seem pretty on track with the kids your age. Maybe a little ahead ;)
Eating Habits/New Foods: Your meals consists of: Breakfast: pancakes & sausage,  yogurt with granola, or cereal. Nothing new the same 3 foods over and over.  Lunch: you love to do picnics/finger foods for lunch, especially while at school. You like smoothies, mini pepperonis, salami, cheese quesadillas, turkey/cheese roll ups, fruit, goldfish, pretzels, cheese & crackers, pickles, tomatoes and cucumbers, hummus, nutella on bananas, peanut butter & fluff, or any leftovers from dinner if we are at home.  Dinner: You are supposed to eat whatever mom and dad are eating, but that doesn't always work out so mom changes somethings for you. Ex. instead of a whole salad, I do it deconstructed with tomatoes, cucumbers, avocado and you dip it in ranch. You are obsessed with meat (especially steak). You like butter noodles, broccoli, corn, tacos, pizza, hotdogs...pretty much all the junk foods :)    Your favorite drink is lemonade, but we have to save it till after you eat some food or you will chug the drink and not eat your food because you are full. Milk doesn't happen too often.
Sleeping Patterns: You are a sleeper through the night from 8 pm to 7:30 am on average. The time change messed you up, but you are starting to sleep in again now that I bought a blackout curtain for your room. No regular naps, but you occasionally will go in your room and take one during quiet time if you have had a real busy day. Or if you didn't sleep well, because you had a bad dream.  You are obsessed with gowns and will only sleep in them. No pants, no onesie zip ups, it's a real treat! I think it's time to buy some more, but I don't want you to freeze in the winter.

Sounds/Words: We are focusing on letters of the alphabet and recognizing what they are. Phonics are so hard, but you are starting to get the hang of it. You can count to 20. You are starting to do memory verses at church which is so cute! You are a pro at all colors, shapes, and you are starting to count things by using your finger to touch each item. Reading here we come!!
New discoveries/accomplishments:
-You completed your first summer of Ballet and loved it
-You went lobstering again, but got sea sick this year
-You started at your new preschool and are loving it
-You went to Islands of Adventures and Universal for the 1st time
-You did your first summer camp at Mandarin Presbyterian
-You traveled up to Cashiers for a summer trip and flew on a plane
-You did lots of boat days this summer
-You are a dynamite swimmer and can swim freely at the pool now
-You also played your first season of soccer
New Friends I've made: You have met tons of new friends at school. Callie is your best friend and you also hang out with Kinsley a lot. You have become such a social butterfly these days! You give all your friends hugs when you see them at school. You love going to church and M2M as well. You also met your new baby cousin Ivy Jean Griffin!
Places you went/Adventures: You went to lobstering in the keys, to Rock the Universe at Universal and Islands of Adventure, we bought season passes for Disney and have been to Magic Kingdom and Epcot so far, you traveled to Cashiers for a summer getaway, started at a new preschool, you were a flower girl in Tracie's wedding, you went to your first jaguar game, and you toured the chocolate factory in St. Augustine.
Things you love:  Dress up, playing with your princess barbies and clip dolls, playing with your train, watching Disney movies, reading books, playing outside with our neighbors, going to the park or playing at chick-fil-a and making friends wherever you go, going to school, and swimming which you do several days a week.
Clothes: You are in 4T or 5T sleepers and you do 4T clothes for the most part. You are obsessed with dresses and it is all you want to wear these days. You hate any tight clothes like jeans or shorts that aren't stretchy. These are your current sizes: Gymboree-4T, Target- 4T, Old Navy/Gap- 5T. Size 10 shoe

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